The Hog 4 is the flagship in our newest range of consoles. Replacing the much loved Wholehog III, it embraces the latest technology, while retaining the Hog’s familiar control surface. The console provides three monitor outputs, MIDI input and output ports, 8 USB ports, 2 Fast Ethernet ports on a rugged Neutrik Ethercon connector allowing you total flexibility. Users will be able to walk up to the Hog 4 and start programming without having to learn a whole new interface. The new encoders, jog shuttle wheel, lcd keys, motorized faders and integrated keyboard all serve to enhance this experience, making the Hog 4 completely customizable. You can now have virtually all the most important attributes to hand at any time.

The most cost effective Hog ever! With a market leading 22” multi touch display, all in a compact package, now with networking and Art-Net outputs.
The Road Hog 4 is unparalleled in the industry. Allowing full expansion in a compact package not only does this Hog pack an enormous punch but it is also the most affordable Hog console in a generation!
The programming interface remains familiar with the minutest of changes to allow for the compact chassis allowing the user to transition across the whole range without sacrificing work flow.

A console capable of delivering everything from a local theatre show to a stadium gig! All the power of the Hog 4 in a more compact package, with sleek lines, raked screens and familiar layout. Like it’s predecessor it allows for total expansion enabling you to create, manage, edit and playback all types of shows. The Full Boar 4 comes packed with the latest hardware features – 10 point multi touch, motorized faders, solid state HDD to name a few.